This guide is a quick tutorial that helps you to get started with RabbitMQ and the Ruby amqp gem. It should take about 20 minutes to read and study the provided code examples. This guide covers:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (including images and stylesheets). The source is available on GitHub.
This guide covers Ruby amqp gem 1.7.0 and later versions.
The RabbitMQ site has a good installation guide that addresses many operating systems. On Mac OS X, the fastest way to install RabbitMQ is with Homebrew:
brew install rabbitmq
then run it:
On Debian and Ubuntu, you can either download the RabbitMQ .deb package and install it with dpkg or make use of the apt repository that the RabbitMQ team provides.
For RPM-based distributions like RedHat or CentOS, the RabbitMQ team provides an RPM package.
This guide assumes that you have installed one of the following supported Ruby implementations:
gem install eventmachine
gem install amqp
gem install amqp
source ""
gem "amqp", "~> 1.7.0"
Verify your installation with a quick irb session:
irb -rubygems
:001 > require "amqp"
=> true
=> "1.7.0"
Let us begin with the classic "Hello, world" example. First, here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "rubygems"
require "amqp" do
connection = AMQP.connect(:host => '')
puts "Connected to AMQP broker. Running #{AMQP::VERSION} version of the gem..."
channel =
queue = channel.queue("amqpgem.examples.helloworld", :auto_delete => true)
exchange ="")
queue.subscribe do |payload|
puts "Received a message: #{payload}. Disconnecting..."
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
exchange.publish "Hello, world!", :routing_key =>
This example demonstrates a very common communication scenario: application A wants to publish a message that will end up in a queue that application B listens on. In this case, the queue name is "amqpgem.examples.hello". Let us go through the code step by step:
require "rubygems"
require "amqp"
is the simplest way to load the amqp gem if you have installed it with RubyGems, but remember that you can omit the rubygems line if your environment does not need it. The following piece of code do
# ...
runs what is called the EventMachine reactor. We will not go into what the term 'reactor' means here, but suffice it to say that the amqp gem is asynchronous and is based on an asynchronous network I/O library called EventMachine.
The next line
connection = AMQP.connect(:host => '')
connects to the server running on localhost, with the default port (5672), username (guest), password (guest) and virtual host ('/').
The next line
channel =
opens a new channel. AMQP is a multi-channeled protocol that uses channels to multiplex a TCP connection.
Channels are opened on a connection, therefore the AMQP::Channel
constructor takes a connection object as a parameter.
This line
queue = channel.queue("amqpgem.examples.helloworld", :auto_delete => true)
declares a queue on the channel that we have just opened. Consumer applications get messages from queues. We declared this queue with the "auto-delete" parameter. Basically, this means that the queue will be deleted when there are no more processes consuming messages from it.
The next line
exchange ="")
instantiates an exchange. Exchanges receive messages that are sent by producers. Exchanges route messages to queues according to rules called bindings. In this particular example, there are no explicitly defined bindings. The exchange that we defined is known as the default exchange and it has implied bindings to all queues. Before we get into that, let us see how we define a handler for incoming messages
queue.subscribe do |payload|
puts "Received a message: #{payload}. Disconnecting..."
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
takes a block that will be called every time a message arrives. AMQP::Session#close
closes the AMQP connection and runs a callback that stops the EventMachine reactor.
Finally, we publish our message
exchange.publish "Hello, world!", :routing_key =>
Routing key is one of the message attributes. The default exchange will route the message to a queue that has the same name as the message's routing key. This is how our message ends up in the "amqpgem.examples.helloworld" queue.
This first example can be modified to use the method chaining technique:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "rubygems"
require "amqp" do
AMQP.connect(:host => '') do |connection|
puts "Connected to AMQP broker. Running #{AMQP::VERSION} version of the gem..."
channel =
channel.queue("amqpgem.examples.helloworld", :auto_delete => true).subscribe do |payload|
puts "Received a message: #{payload}. Disconnecting..."
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
end"").publish "Hello, world!", :routing_key => "amqpgem.examples.helloworld"
This diagram demonstrates the "Hello, world" example data flow:
For the sake of simplicity, both the message producer (App I) and the consumer (App II) are running in the same Ruby process. Now let us move on to a little bit more sophisticated example.
The previous example demonstrated how a connection to a broker is made and how to do 1:1 communication using the default exchange. Now let us take a look at another common scenario: broadcast, or multiple consumers and one producer.
A very well-known broadcast example is Twitter: every time a person tweets, followers receive a notification. Blabbr, our imaginary information network, models this scenario: every network member has a separate queue and publishes blabs to a separate exchange. Three Blabbr members, Joe, Aaron and Bob, follow the official NBA account on Blabbr to get updates about what is happening in the world of basketball. Here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "rubygems"
require "amqp"
AMQP.start("amqp://") do |connection|
channel =
exchange = channel.fanout("nba.scores")
channel.queue("joe", :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange).subscribe do |payload|
puts "#{payload} => joe"
channel.queue("aaron", :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange).subscribe do |payload|
puts "#{payload} => aaron"
channel.queue("bob", :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange).subscribe do |payload|
puts "#{payload} => bob"
exchange.publish("BOS 101, NYK 89").publish("ORL 85, ALT 88")
# disconnect & exit after 2 seconds
EventMachine.add_timer(2) do
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
The first line has a few differences from the "Hello, world" example above:
instead of AMQP.connect
is just a convenient way to do do
AMQP.connect(options) do |connection|
# ...
The AMQP.start
call blocks the current thread which
means that its use is limited to scripts and small command line
applications. Blabbr is just that.
, when invoked with a block, will yield a
connection object as soon as the AMQP connection is open. Finally,
connection parameters may be supplied as a Hash or as a connection
string. The AMQP.connect
method documentation contains all of the
In this example, opening a channel is no different to opening a channel in the previous example, however, the exchange is declared differently
exchange = channel.fanout("nba.scores")
The exchange that we declare above using AMQP::Channel#fanout
is a fanout exchange. A fanout exchange delivers messages to all of the queues that are bound to it: exactly what we want in the case of Blabbr!
This piece of code
channel.queue("joe", :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange).subscribe do |payload|
puts "#{payload} => joe"
is similar to the subscription code that we used for message delivery previously, but what does that AMQP::Queue#bind
method do? It sets up a binding between the queue and the exchange that you pass to it. We need to do this to make sure that our fanout exchange routes messages to the queues of any subscribed followers.
exchange.publish("BOS 101, NYK 89").publish("ORL 85, ALT 88")
demonstrates AMQP::Exchange#publish
call chaining. Blabbr members use a fanout exchange for publishing, so there is no need to specify a message routing key because every queue that is bound to the exchange will get its own copy of all messages, regardless of the queue name and routing key used.
A diagram for Blabbr looks like this:
Next we use EventMachine's add_timer method to run a piece of code in 1 second from now:
EventMachine.add_timer(1) do
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
The code that we want to run deletes the exchange that we declared earlier using AMQP::Exchange#delete
and closes the AMQP connection with AMQP::Session#close
. Finally, we stop the EventMachine event loop and exit.
Blabbr is pretty unlikely to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, but it does a pretty good job of demonstrating how one can use AMQP fanout exchanges to do broadcasting.
So far, we have seen point-to-point communication and broadcasting. Those two communication styles are possible with many protocols, for instance, HTTP handles these scenarios just fine. You may ask "what differentiates AMQP?" Well, next we are going to introduce you to topic exchanges and routing with patterns, one of the features that makes AMQP very powerful.
Our third example involves weather condition updates. What makes it different from the previous two examples is that not all of the consumers are interested in all of the messages. People who live in Portland usually do not care about the weather in Hong Kong (unless they are visiting soon). They are much more interested in weather conditions around Portland, possibly all of Oregon and sometimes a few neighbouring states.
Our example features multiple consumer applications monitoring updates for different regions. Some are interested in updates for a specific city, others for a specific state and so on, all the way up to continents. Updates may overlap so that an update for San Diego, CA appears as an update for California, but also should show up on the North America updates list.
Here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "rubygems"
require "amqp" do
AMQP.connect do |connection|
channel =
# topic exchange name can be any string
exchange = channel.topic("weathr", :auto_delete => true)
# Subscribers.
channel.queue("", :exclusive => true) do |queue|
queue.bind(exchange, :routing_key => "americas.north.#").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for North America: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
channel.queue("americas.south").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "americas.south.#").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for South America: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
channel.queue("us.california").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "*").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for US/California: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
channel.queue("us.tx.austin").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "#.tx.austin").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for Austin, TX: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
channel.queue("it.rome").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "europe.italy.rome").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for Rome, Italy: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
channel.queue("").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for Hong Kong: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
EventMachine.add_timer(1) do
exchange.publish("San Diego update", :routing_key => "").
publish("Berkeley update", :routing_key => "").
publish("San Francisco update", :routing_key => "").
publish("New York update", :routing_key => "").
publish("São Paolo update", :routing_key => "americas.south.brazil.saopaolo").
publish("Hong Kong update", :routing_key => "").
publish("Kyoto update", :routing_key => "").
publish("Shanghai update", :routing_key => "asia.southeast.prc.shanghai").
publish("Rome update", :routing_key => "europe.italy.roma").
publish("Paris update", :routing_key => "")
show_stopper = {
connection.close { EventMachine.stop }
EventMachine.add_timer(2, show_stopper)
The first line that is different from the Blabbr example is
exchange = channel.topic("weathr", :auto_delete => true)
We use a topic exchange here. Topic exchanges are used for multicast messaging where consumers indicate which topics they are interested in (think of it as subscribing to a feed for an individual tag in your favourite blog as opposed to the full feed). Routing with a topic exchange is done by specifying a routing pattern on binding, for example:
channel.queue("americas.south").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "americas.south.#").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for South America: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
Here we bind a queue with the name of "americas.south" to the topic exchange declared earlier using the AMQP::Queue#bind
method. This means that only messages with a routing key matching "americas.south.#" will be routed to that queue. A routing pattern consists of several words separated by dots, in a similar way to URI path segments joined by slashes. Here are a few examples:
Now let us take a look at a few routing keys that match the "americas.south.#" pattern:
In other words, the "#" part of the pattern matches 0 or more words.
For a pattern like "americas.south.*", some matching routing keys would be:
but not
so "*" only matches a single word. The AMQP 0.9.1 specification says that topic segments (words) may contain the letters A-Z and a-z and digits 0-9.
A (very simplistic) diagram to demonstrate topic exchange in action:
One more thing that is different from previous examples is that the block we pass to AMQP::Queue#subscribe
now takes two arguments: a header and a body (often called the payload). Long story short, the header parameter lets you access metadata associated with the message. Some examples of message metadata attributes are:
and so on.
As the following binding demonstrates, "#" and "*" can also appear at the beginning of routing patterns:
channel.queue("us.tx.austin").bind(exchange, :routing_key => "#.tx.austin").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for Austin, TX: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
For this example the publishing of messages is no different from that of previous examples. If we were to run the program, a message published with a routing key of "" would be routed to 2 queues: "us.california" and the server-named queue that we declared by passing a blank string as the name:
channel.queue("", :exclusive => true) do |queue|
queue.bind(exchange, :routing_key => "americas.north.#").subscribe do |headers, payload|
puts "An update for North America: #{payload}, routing key is #{headers.routing_key}"
The name of the server-named queue is generated by the broker and sent
back to the client with a queue declaration confirmation. Because the
queue name is not known before the reply arrives, we pass
a callback and it yields us back a queue object
once confirmation has arrived.
A word of warning: you may find examples on the Web of AMQP::Channel#queue
usage that do not use callbacks. We recommend
that you use a callback for server-named queues, otherwise your code
may be subject to race
conditions. Even though
the amqp gem tries to be reasonably smart and protect you from most
common problems (for example, binding operations will be delayed until
after queue name is received from the broker), there is no way it can
do so for every case. The primary reason for supporting AMQP::Channel#queue
usage without a callback for server-µnamed
queues is backwards compatibility with earlier versions of the gem.
Since Ruby is a genuine object-oriented language, it is important to demonstrate how the Ruby amqp gem can be integrated into rich object-oriented code.
The AMQP::Queue#subscribe
callback does not have to be
a block. It can be any Ruby object that responds to call
. A common
technique is to combine
and use object methods as message handlers.
An example to demonstrate this technique:
class Consumer
def handle_message(metadata, payload)
puts "Received a message: #{payload}, content_type = #{metadata.content_type}"
end # handle_message(metadata, payload)
class Worker
def initialize(channel, queue_name = AMQ::Protocol::EMPTY_STRING, consumer =
@queue_name = queue_name
@channel = channel
@consumer = consumer
end # initialize
def start
@queue = @channel.queue(@queue_name, :exclusive => true)
end # start
# Implementation
def handle_channel_exception(channel, channel_close)
puts "Oops... a channel-level exception: code = #{channel_close.reply_code}, message = #{channel_close.reply_text}"
end # handle_channel_exception(channel, channel_close)
The "Hello, world" example can be ported to use this technique:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require "rubygems"
require "amqp"
class Consumer
def handle_message(metadata, payload)
puts "Received a message: #{payload}, content_type = #{metadata.content_type}"
end # handle_message(metadata, payload)
class Worker
def initialize(channel, queue_name = AMQ::Protocol::EMPTY_STRING, consumer =
@queue_name = queue_name
@channel = channel
@consumer = consumer
end # initialize
def start
@queue = @channel.queue(@queue_name, :exclusive => true)
end # start
# Implementation
def handle_channel_exception(channel, channel_close)
puts "Oops... a channel-level exception: code = #{channel_close.reply_code}, message = #{channel_close.reply_text}"
end # handle_channel_exception(channel, channel_close)
class Producer
def initialize(channel, exchange)
@channel = channel
@exchange = exchange
end # initialize(channel, exchange)
def publish(message, options = {})
@exchange.publish(message, options)
end # publish(message, options = {})
# Implementation
def handle_channel_exception(channel, channel_close)
puts "Oops... a channel-level exception: code = #{channel_close.reply_code}, message = #{channel_close.reply_text}"
end # handle_channel_exception(channel, channel_close)
AMQP.start("amqp://") do |connection, open_ok|
channel =
worker =, "amqpgem.objects.integration")
producer =, channel.default_exchange)
puts "Publishing..."
producer.publish("Hello, world", :routing_key => "amqpgem.objects.integration")
# stop in 2 seconds
EventMachine.add_timer(2.0) { connection.close { EventMachine.stop } }
The most important line in this example is
Ampersand (&) preceding an object is equivalent to calling the #to_proc method on it. We obtain a Consumer#handle_message method reference with
and then the ampersand calls #to_proc on it. AMQP::Queue#subscribe
then will be using this Proc instance to
handle incoming messages.
Note that the Consumer
class above can be easily tested in isolation, without spinning up any AMQP connections.
Here is one example using RSpec
require "ostruct"
require "json"
# RSpec example
describe Consumer do
describe "when a new message arrives" do
subject { }
let(:metadata) do
o =
o.content_type = "application/json"
let(:payload) { JSON.encode({ :command => "reload_config" }) }
it "does some useful work" do
# check preconditions here if necessary
subject.handle_message(metadata, payload)
# add your code expectations here
This is the end of the tutorial. Congratulations! You have learned quite a bit about both AMQP 0.9.1 and the amqp gem. This is only the tip of the iceberg. AMQP has many more features built into the protocol:
and so on. Other guides explain these features in depth, as well as use cases for them. To stay up to date with amqp gem development, follow @rubyamqp on Twitter and join our mailing list.
Documentation is organized as a number of documentation guides, covering all kinds of topics from use cases for various exchange types to error handling and Broker-specific AMQP 0.9.1 extensions.
We recommend that you read the following guides next, if possible, in this order:
If you are migrating your application from earlier versions of the amqp gem (0.6.x and 0.7.x), to 0.8.x and later, there is the amqp gem 0.8 migration guide.